haha!!!!OMG sorry if u guys can`t watch it!! i watched ths 8 times and crack up like crazy!
8:58 PM |
Full Japan train (tube)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
i just found this super funny and think i should add this for u guys to see in case u feel down and need some cheering uP^__^
11:37 PM |
the blog is getting dead isn`t it? we should try our best and make it alive again ppl. plz be active if not kicking even though i myself dun like it is kinda neccsarry isn`t it? its plain that our guild is cool LOL. which guild actually have a blog? and a personal website?
12:25 AM |
just some random pics LOL! needa update this blog before it goes stagnant. anyway frm here u can see the proness of the guild ppl. not me. just the other.
12:16 AM |
best viewed in MOZILLA FIREFOX kinda messy in Internet Explorer
~happy that we're all together in here
~We all don like to be taken advantage
~Plvling wouldn't be prolem for us, but if we can't/unable to...... so it can't be help.
~As always.... be active as much as you can. But don't force yourself
~Don't even argue with each other (We all don't like it, especially me)
~DON'T EVER scold each other just for small matters
~No rushing for the loots from bosses, we all do share
Monday, May 12, 2008
haha!!!!OMG sorry if u guys can`t watch it!! i watched ths 8 times and crack up like crazy!
the blog is getting dead isn`t it? we should try our best and make it alive again ppl. plz be active if not kicking even though i myself dun like it is kinda neccsarry isn`t it? its plain that our guild is cool LOL. which guild actually have a blog? and a personal website?
just some random pics LOL! needa update this blog before it goes stagnant. anyway frm here u can see the proness of the guild ppl. not me. just the other.